Boy, if I had only known a month ago, what I know now, I would never have written the last blog on how to enjoy catering during the COVID scare!
We know now that social distancing in NECESSARY in order to fight this virus – to lower the curve – to enable our country to get back to “normal.” No groups should be meeting nor should there be any traveling. So how do we celebrate a traditionally family holiday when we can’t get together as a family?
Easter generally means Easter Egg Hunts, Celebrating at Church, and large family dinners. We will still be sheltering-at-home during this time. What can we do to make this day special?
For the kids, try a neighborhood drive-by Easter Egg hunt. Color paper eggs (these will need to be large enough to be seen from the road), place them in windows, hide them behind curtains, stick one in the mailbox – just hanging out a bit. Maybe hide one in the flower box or hanging plant on your front porch. You get the idea. Parents need to keep an accurate count of how many are on display at their home.
Schedule a time for the neighborhood “hunt,” then jump in the cars to find those eggs! The kiddos will have as much fun seeing their friends in cars as they drive by as they will counting the eggs.
Your children get to practice those math skills (use tally marks to total up how many they find). If you have several children, this can be a group project – or if you need a little peace and quiet –it can be an individual project. (“Shhh, don’t let anyone know you saw one…Just write your tally mark down and wait until we get home to tell the total.”) Parents will need to share the number of eggs hidden at their home, so an accurate count can be provided.
The child who counts correctly (or gets the closets) get the price. This can be a neighborhood prize (everyone donates $1.00 to a kitty, to go toward an Amazon card that can be used for an on-line purchase) or simply done within the family. The family price could be an extra 30 minutes TV show; special parent time (maybe cooking the dinner of their choice or making masks to wear). Maybe you choose to allow facetime with a friend or a free homework pass (by sure this is cleared by the teacher first!). Be creative. They can’t find the Golden Egg from the neighborhood, but it can still be a fun – and social – activity.
Hopefully your Church will be live streaming an Easter service. If not, find a Church that is (Buckhead Church is a great church to follow on-line). Dress up in your best Sunday outfit. Then meet on the sofa for Worship. Most churches have separate Sunday School services for children and adults. While those separate lessons are a great way to teach children at each age, this “together service” is a great opportunity to share your faith with your children. Don’t forget to take the family pictures in front of the dogwood or azaleas to share on-line. Get the extended family in the picture by holding your tablet while Facetiming. Then come inside to break bread together.
Share dinner with your extended family. You can’t travel, so how do you do that? Social Media makes “being together” pretty easy. Facetime or What’s App work well if you are sharing with only two locations. Try Zoom if you are sharing with several locations. Sharing a meal can be a different nut to crack. My suggestion? Call a local catering company or restaurant and have them deliver food to your family and your extended family. You can share the same meal even if not sitting around the same table!
Goat Cheese Chicken
single 9.50 /family (3pl) 25.93
If you are in the Atlanta area, we would be happy to help with a chef-prepared meal any time your family would like to “go out” for a meal at home. Please check click here to order your at-home meals: .